
F3B 2014 - Dates

These are the league dates I have at the moment from Clive. As far as I know these are the "official" dates, but I will confirm with Clive.

  • Speed - 16th March - Wetlands
  • L1 Sunday - 13th April - Barkston Heath
  • L2 Sunday - 11th May - Wetlands (Sharing with F5B)
  • L3 Sunday - 8th June - Wetlands (Sharing with F5B)
  • L4 Sunday - 20th July - Wetlands
  • L5/Nationals - August BH weekend - venue TBA
  • L6 Sunday 21st Sept Wetlands
  • Reserve - 5th Oct - TBA

Pink Phoenix

Mike Holtby informs me that Bob's rather special Cobra is now fixed after it's recovery last year.